Basic Physical Security Training

Computer security in the 21st century isn’t solely about password hygiene and phishing attacks. It must also include physical security training to guide employees on how to maintain a secure physical location and computing resources.  This video discusses the importance of using a password-protected screen saver, locking your computer when away, not writing passwords down, full disk encryption, social engineering attacks including pre-texting and dressing up as a utility worker, or dropping USB sticks around the company elevator or parking lot.  Finally, this speaker reinforces the importance of protecting printouts and shredding papers to avoid compromise from dumpster diving where hackers root through your dumpsters for sensitive data on printed papers.

This video along with the others in our ‘Video Library’ are examples of what you can see when you use CyberHoot’s training platform. Our Library is not indicative of what exists in our Application Training Library as we have 600+ videos ready to assign for training in the system. Training videos inside the platform consist of Cybersecurity, PCI, HIPAA, Human Resources, ITAR, and various product training programs (QuickBooks, ADP, SalesForce, Teams, etc.). To see what else CyberHoot has to offer you can get started by heading to our homepage and scheduling a demo with our Co-Founder and cybersecurity expert, Craig Taylor. 

CyberHoot does have some other resources available for your use. Below are links to all of our resources, feel free to check them out whenever you like: 

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