Fake Email Phishing: More Harmful than Helpful

Fake Email Phishing is broken in many ways. Google researchers liken it to early fire drills that caused more harm than good. Empirical research shows users clicking more not less after fake email phish testing. End users universally complain as do IT departments when chaos breaks out after sanctioned fake email testing. Enter HootPhish, a solution that eliminates the negatives, and empowers end users to spot and avoid this scourge of modern internet email.

CyberHoot Release Notes

HootPhish: Release Notes

CyberHoot’s All Phishing Simulator is HootPhish. A positive, educational, hyper-realistic phishing test and simulator that provides better metrics, automation, and outcomes than any attack-based phishing test on the market, guaranteed, or you may cancel at any time.

HootPhish Logo

Press Release: CyberHoot Launches HootPhish – A Revolutionary Approach to Phishing Simulations

CyberHoot has been shown to improve customer retention for MSPs. It lowers the cost of supporting clients through fewer security incidents, better product training, and educational phish testing. We know it works because MSPs tell us emails to support asking “Is this a Phish?” or “Is this an Attack?” go away. Start a 30 day free trial and month-to-month forever afterwards.