CyberHoot: An Introduction to our Platform

Welcome to CyberHoot’s cyber literacy 101 core curriculum videos.  This introductory video introduces end users to cyber security in the 21st century.  It examines who is attacking us, using what unique types of malware, and then details what their motivations are (most often money).  It is a great grounding and start to anyone’s Cyber Literacy journey!

This video along with the others in our ‘Video Library’ are examples of what you can see when you use CyberHoot’s training platform. Our library does not stop at cyber literacy training, as it is also chalk full with more than 600+ videos covering most Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software training from vendors themselves.

Head to CyberHoot’s homepage to schedule a demo with our cybersecurity team today!

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employees are cyber literate and on guard!

Other Resources You May Want To Visit:

CyberHoot does have some other resources available for your use. Below are links to all of our resources, feel free to check them out whenever you like: 

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