MAZE Ransomware: 3x Threat to Data Security

MAZE Ransomware represents a change for the worse in the capabilities of online hackers today. Traditional backup strategies are no longer enough to provide a get-out-of-jail-free card when hit with ransomware. Data confidentiality is also at risk now and that changes who will pay ransoms dramatically. Prepare now to avoid this scourge of online hacking.

Administrator Rights

Administrator Rights is the highest level of permission given to a computer user. A user with admin rights (privileges) allows them to access anything within the system or network they …


Non-Repudiation is a property achieved through cryptographic methods to protect against an individual or entity falsely denying having performed a particular action related to data. This provides the capability to …


Availability is one of three security terms in the trifecta of data protection. The other two being Integrity and confidentiality.


Integrity is the property whereby information (data), an information system, or a component of a system has not been modified or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. It is also a …

System Integrity

System Integrity is the attribute of an information system when it performs its intended function in an unimpaired manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation of the system. What …