Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the process companies follow to produces quality software in an efficient, supportable, and timely way. SDLC has undergone as many changes over the last 50 years as computers themselves have, And yet, there still remains a key framework for understanding how to develop and delivery software products. SDLC is broken up into the following stages:
- Planning
- Analysis (Requirements Gathering)
- Design
- Implementation
- Testing and Integration
- Maintenance (& Documentation)
There are other phases which sometimes get inserted as well such as Deployment (particularly important to Cloud environments today). However, in general, this is known as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Other topics CyberHoot will dive into include methods of developing code such as Waterfall vs. Agile development styles.
Source: Techopedia
Additional Reading:
The Secure Software Development Life Cycle: Syncing Development and Security
Agile Versus Waterfall Approach to Software Development
Related Terms: Closed Source Software, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS), Software End of Life/End of Support, Open Source Software