Social engineering training video

Social Engineering 101

This 2-minute video outlines how social engineers manipulate people in social settings to gain information on how to hack systems and steal valuable information.  The video outlines various methods social …

smishing threat phishing

Smishing, The New Phishing

Many people know about Phishing, a form of social engineering to deceive individuals into doing a hacker’s bidding. Hackers convince users to click on malicious links in an email resulting …

SIM Swapping cyber security

SIM Swapping

SIM Swapping is a term used when hackers steal a victims phone number and port or switch that number to a different SIM card in a different cell phone in …

social engineering

Social Engineering

Social Engineering in the context of cyber security, is when one uses psychological manipulation to have people perform specific actions or to give out confidential information. This differs from the …