Guest Wi-Fi Network

A Guest Wi-Fi Network is a separate network that gives users access to your router. A Guest Wi-Fi Network is essentially a separate access point to your router from the trusted network. This is done to ensure your guests wishing to use your network may access the internet, but keeps your data safe in case they are a hacker or carrying malware on their device.


Who should SMB’s do with Guest WiFi?

SMB’s should implement a Guest WiFi network for their staff’s personal devices and visitors alike to use.  Then an SMB should also setup a trusted network and tie that to AD through Radius authentication if you have Active Directory.  If you don’t have AD, tie the Trusted WiFI to your primary Directory in use for user management.

Also, don’t forget to establish a governance policy on WiFi usage in your business.  This can be easily added to your Written Information Security Policy (or WISP).

Related Term: Trusted Wi-Fi Network

Source: Kapersky

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