Apple Zero-Day Patch for Macs & iPhones

An anonymous Apple researcher found a security flaw in Macs and iPhones that hackers are actively exploiting. The vulnerability goes by CVE-2021-30807, with the researcher stating:

“An application may be able to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.”

The Zero-Day vulnerability critical vulnerability exists in both Mac computers and iPhones which hackers are aware of exploiting. 

The vulnerability was allegedly found in the IOMobileFrameBuffer kernel code, an element that helps applications set up and use your device or computer’s display. The security gap allows a hacker to manipulate administrative privileges, giving them access to the kernel which allows them to do just about anything. 

What Can You Do?

Patch right now! Apple users haven’t been notified by Apple yet (oddly enough), but you can update your device manually right now by following the instructions below for each device. 

iPhonesSettings > General > Software Update > Download & Install

MacsApple Menu (top left) > System Preferences > Software Update > Update Now

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Source: Sophos

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