IRS Impersonation Attack

Fake IRS Tax Forms This week, AbnormalSecurity reported an attack on an estimated 15-50 thousand email inboxes with a phishing attack. The attack’s purpose was to gain personal information that …

irs pin

IRS Pin Protection in 2021

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced this week that in January 2021 taxpayers can apply for an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN). This single-use code is designed to …

awdl apple threat

Close Proximity iPhone Hack

Google’s Project Zero cybersecurity researcher (and white-hat hacker) Ian Beer published an article in December of 2020, outlining how hackers can break into nearby iPhones to steal personal data. The …

human firewall

Building A Human Firewall

Most cybersecurity experts believe people are the weakest link but at CyberHoot we view people as the strongest line of defense known as the Human Firewall. Through training, policy guidance, and technical protections, people can go from weakest link to cybersecurity tour-de-force in protecting your company. Give them a fighting change and help them become more aware and in so doing, more secure personally and professionally.

Securing Remote Workers

COVID19 has forced many workers into work from home conditions. This has introduced new risks that are more easily addressed by cloud-enabled companies than more traditional on-premises application using companies. This article seeks to identify tips for both in securing businesses whether cloud-enabled or on-premise is your primary application source.

cyberwarfare cybrary


Nation states have taken heavily to cyberwarfare over the past 20 years. Some flex their muscles openly such as when Russia invaded Georgia a few years back and took out their critical infrastructure through Cyberwarfare before they rolled their tanks in. Others do so more stealthily with false flags and more. The only certainty is you must protect yourself, because no-one else will or can. Learn how at CyberHoot.

diebold atm hack

Jackpotting: Asian ATM Hacking Reaches the US

Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) have been around for more than 50 years. In that time, criminals have found many unique ways to steal the cash they contain. Physical security, network security, logical security all play roles in protecting these machines from compromise. Learn how banks are protecting the machines and what you can learn from ATM heists to protect your own business at CyberHoot.

Become more aware to become more secure.

CyberHoot Newsletter – Volume 8

CyberHoots monthly newsletter summarizes the most important cybersecurity news from the previous month and provides some analysis specific to business owners in the small to medium sized business space.

msp attack increases

U.S.S.S. Reporting Increase In Hacked MSPs

The Secret Service warned of increasing attacks on MSPs in July 2020. If you’re not learning how to protect yourself as a Next Generation MSP, then you’re going to be compromised and you’re going to be out of business in the future. The risks are too great. You need to become more aware to become more secure. Learn how to do all this with CyberHoot.

pet adoption scams

Hacker’s Latest Scam: Pet Adoptions

Cyber criminals capitalize on global events (COVID) and national trends that result from global events (Pet Adoption increases). CyberHoot is seeing an increase in Pet Adoption Scams and wants to help our users become more aware of how to spot these scams and avoid them. Become more aware to become more secure.

adware cybrary term


Adware makes the Internet go round. However, excessive adware and madware (mobile adware) can lead to productivity damage or worse, malware. Learn all about adware and how to avoid it at CyberHoot.

tattoo recognition software

Social Media Used To Catch Violent Protester

Social media video was used to identify and apprehend a violent protester in Philidelphia. Our images and identity markers are being documented everywhere we go and our privacy is being bottled up in countless databases across the world, boiled down to a digital fingerprints, and used by law enforcement and others if the data is breached and stolen. Are the right protections in place to protect our 4th amendment rights? With great power comes great responsibility. It also requires great cybersecurity protection which CyberHoot is not convinced exists to keep these digital fingerprints safe and protected from misuse.

disinformation cybrary term


Disinformation is closely aligned to social engineering. When combined the two can have very believable and devastating consequences. Develop a healthy skepticism towards online content. To avoid being taken advantage of, seek to validate sources, facts, and authors.

Protect Your Business

CyberHoot Newsletter – Volume 6

CyberHoot is your authority for cybersecurity news and understanding what the news means. From in-depth analysis articles to a library of 500 cybersecurity terms with related videos, CyberHoot provides you the information and training you need, when you need it.