CyberHoot’s Power Platform: 2024 Release Notes

CyberHoot’s Power Platform: build a robust cybersecurity program that includes: cyber policies, awareness and product training, positive-reinforcement, educational phishing simulations/testing, and Dark Web reports.

Spend more time on your business while CyberHoot teaches cyber literacy to your staff.

07/23/2024: Build 1074

  • Made usernames clickable to see user compliance status on admin level.
  • Added ability to restart all active trainings at the user level (admin).
  • Updated reactivate subscription button to allow the user to add a payment method.

07/11/2024: Build 1073

  • Updated the switch customer popup in power platform to be a paging table view when customer count is more than 10.
  • Made release notes button viewable by customer admins.
  • Updated assignments to only assign to users if assignment is < 100 days old.

07/02/2024: Build 1072

  • Added the ability to configure which sections to include in the scheduled customer compliance summary report in power platform.

06/26/2024: Build 1071

  • Updated the user exposures section in pdf reports to condense non-exposed users pages into a single list.

06/11/2024: Build 1070

  • Allow user opt-outs based on customer settings and updated assignment emails with a link to allow users to opt out of training.
  • Updated manual “Welcome Email” message.
  • Updated weekly Dark Web Check email to send to Super Admins and Customer Admins.

06/04/2024: Build 1069

05/25/2024: Build 1068

  • Updated MSP aggregation report to show colored compliance badges based on score and to only show ‘N/A’ for compliance if no policies have been deployed.

  • Improved speed/performance of compliance reporting scripts.

  • Updated toggling of the welcome email feature to reset welcome email sent on users if welcome email is enabled and training start date has not yet passed. 

05/22/2024: Build 1067

  • Updated phish test email to give user warning about processing time and made script run in background instead of making user wait for completion.
  • To reduce confusion in new users, the “My Assignments” link was removed from Welcome Emails.
  • Added DNS Twister to Sales Reports.

05/7/2024: Build 1064 & 1065

  • Updated the Terms of Service for new deployments.
  • Fixed issue where Entra ID would sometimes not synchronize Managers.
  • Updated Entra ID initial prompt to allow users to select from multiple accounts and require a new login each time they set up Entra sync.

04/30/2024: Build 1063

  • Added Link to these Release Notes in the Admin Interface accessible to Super-Admins.
  • API billing improvements, spelling error in My Assignments, invalid domain checks. 
  • Ability to update the Billing Email under Account Settings -> Subscription.
  • Added DarkWeb override button to enable Checks on demand, once every 3 days.  This is for prospecting and the Cybersecurity Report under Admin -> MSP Settings -> Customers (click the ellipse and to run the Cybersecurity Report)
  • Added DNS Typo-squatted Domains to the Prospecting and existing Client Security Report. Note: Existing Customers must have their domain added under Customer Settings – Branding for DarkWeb and Typo-squatted domain checks.
  • Logging Improvements: Added customer logs, user training history and training history details.
  • Phishing Improvements: Users who fail traditional Attack-Phishing will retake a Phishing Video and a HootPhish simulations.
  • My Assignments Look and feel updates.

04/23/2024: Build 1062

  • Added Google User Synchronization.
  • Fixed a library video display issue which redirected to a 404, and a rare Welcome Email race condition.
  • Updated HootPhish Challenge Game design and email updates.

04/16/2024: Build 1061

  • Created HootPhish Challenge Game designed to increase awareness and create competition in Phishing Detection and Deletion that is positively driven.
  • Additional performance improvements to the User interface.
  • Reset the Welcome Email feature for Client started in manual mode but who convert to Automatic mode. System now respects not sending Welcome Email until the day before training launches.

04/04/24: Build 1060

  • Performance Improvements: updated compliance scripts to run more quickly and with less overhead on system performance.
  • Added Customer Mass Actions (archive and unarchive) capability similar to User Mass actions to both CyberHoot’s API and the Admin dashboard.
  • Added 24 hour timer to “My Assignments” links to expire instead of deleting after being clicked. Updated feedback to clicked “My Assignment” links to reflect expiration.
  • Added welcome email alert to Dashboard schedule for better clarity on send date.
  • Created CSV export button for Video and Program Libraries.

03/25/24: Build 1959

  • Upgrade internal binaries and components (standard maintenance)

03/18/24: Build 1057 & 1058

  • Added MSP Aggregate Customer Compliance report and a settings page to schedule these reports.
  • Fixed downloading Certificates of Completion issue.
  • Performance improvements to all platforms with better load balancing.
  • Added end-user acknowledgement popup when retaking phishing assignments on all platforms.

03/12/24:  Build 1056

Users Management: Mass Updates

  • Add the ability to mass update users (archive, restore etc.)

Welcome Email Improvement

  • Updated welcome email to send to new users when welcome email is enabled after automated training has begun.

General Improvements

  • Schedule compliance reports by email feature added.

02/20/24: Build 1054

  • Mobile device display improvements.
  • Disabled certification of completion for optional assignments.
  • Updated Phish test instructions landing page and pushed out to all deployments that were using the default text.

02/13/24: Build 1053

  • Fixed issue with CyberHoot logo defaulting onto certificates of completion.
  • Added ‘selector1’ and ‘selector2’ to DKIM checks in Cybersecurity Customer Report.
  • Fixed user removal in Entra ID sync where users were not being removed.
  • Performance improvements across the platform.

02/07/24: Build 1052

  • Renamed Azure to Entra ID
  • Fixed excel CSV file upload errors.
  • Found and removed all old 2-Phish and 3-Phish back-to-back simulations.
  • Added tips to phishing simulation results for end user feedback.
  • Adopted international date standard for date variable across the platform.
  • Fixed issue in compliance table in downloadable reports.

01/30/24: Build 1051

  • Updated API to support more Partner integration needs.

01/25/24: Build 1050

  • Enabled domain-wide dark web searches for customers.
  • Stopped sending empty Manager Compliance reports when training has not started.
  • Added support for webp images used in brand’s logo.
  • Added customer create and customer type changes to MSP logs.

HootPhish Overview Videos

CyberHoot’s latest platform release is known as HootPhish.
Schedule a demo here.  Sign up for HootPhish here.

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