How to Allow-list in AppRiver
If you’re using AppRiver’s SpamLab spam filtering, you can add CyberHoot to your whitelist to ensure that our simulated phishing test emails and training notifications reach your end users without any problems.
Here are the recommended steps to follow:
- First, log onto the AppRiver Admin Center.
- Select Filters–> IP Addresses
- In the “Allowed IP Addresses” section, include our IP addresses. For the latest and most current list of our IP addresses, refer to our CyberHoot Mail Relays to Add to your Allow-Lists
Granting permission to an IP address will cause all messages originating from it to bypass all filtering checks, except for virus filtering.
- Click Save.
In case you encounter difficulties while whitelisting CyberHoot on AppRiver, we suggest contacting AppRiver for detailed guidance.