Revenge Porn is sexually explicit images or videos of a person posted online without that person’s consent especially as a form of revenge or harassment. Revenge Porn is typically seen after two people that were in a relationship who exchanged sexually explicit photos, or filmed their sexual intercourse, have a messy, contentious break up.
The “attacker” in this instance would be the person uploading the photos or videos online to a pornographic website. These sort of cases spiked tremendously in the past 5-10 years as certain applications, such as Snapchat, and the improvement of technology created a world with the ability to send/upload images very easily. The victims in these scenarios have legal rights, dependent on where they live. Within the United States, 46 states, as well as D.C. and Guam have laws in place to protect against this abhorrent behavior.
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Cyber Civil Rights
Additional Reading:
Sharing ‘Revenge Porn’ Would Get You on Sex Offenders List Under Proposed CA Law
State May Boost Penalties for ‘Revenge Porn’ (CT),
CyberHoot Blog Article: Sextortion Email Scam: Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Victimized