CyberHoot’s Autopilot Platform: 2024 Release Notes

Autopilot is CyberHoot's industry leading automated platform delivering awareness training and phish testing/simulations. All assignments are 100% automated.

07/23/2024: Build 1074

  • Made usernames clickable to see user compliance status on admin level.
  • Added ability to restart all active trainings at the user level (admin).

07/11/2024: Build 1073

  • Made release notes button viewable by customer admins.
  • Updated assignments to only assign to users if assignment is < 100 days old.

06/26/2024: Build 1071

  • Updated the user exposures section in pdf reports to condense non-exposed users pages into a single list.

06/11/2024: Build 1070

  • Allow user opt-outs based on customer settings.
  • Updated manual “Welcome Email” message.

06/04/2024: Build 1069

05/25/2024: Build 1068

  • Added export csv to training history tables in Autopilot.

  • Improved speed/performance of compliance reporting scripts.

  • Updated toggling of the welcome email feature to reset welcome email sent on users if welcome email is enabled and training start date has not yet passed. 

05/22/2024: Build 1067

  • Added Hoot Rank and Infographic images to Autopilot.
  • To reduce confusion in new users, the “My Assignments” link was removed from Welcome Emails.

05/7/2024: Build 1064 & 1065

  • Updated the Terms of Service for new deployments.
  • Fixed issue where Entra ID would sometimes not synchronize Managers.
  • Updated Entra ID initial prompt to allow users to select from multiple accounts and require a new login each time they set up Entra sync.

04/30/24: Build 1063

  • Added Link to “Release Notes” and made accessible to Super-Admins.
  • Added User Status Page to view scoring status, training history, and user logs.
  • Added ability to update the Billing Email.
  • Added historical training compliance reports.
  • Logging Improvements: Added customer logs, user training history, and training history details.
  • My Assignments, Quizzes, and Simulations display updates and upgrades.

04/23/24: Build 1062

04/16/24: Build 1061

  • Created HootPhish Challenge Game designed to increase awareness and create competition in Phishing Detection and Deletion that is positively driven.
  • Additional performance improvements to the User interface.

04/04/24: Build 1060

  • Performance Improvements: updated compliance scripts to run more quickly and with less overhead on system performance.
  • Added Customer Mass Actions (archive and unarchive) capability similar to User Mass actions to both CyberHoot’s API and the Admin dashboard.
  • Added 24 hour expiration timer to “My Assignments” links instead of deleting the link after being clicked. Updated feedback to clicked “My Assignment” links to reflect expiration rather than throw a 404 error to end users.
  • Added welcome email alert to Dashboard schedule for better clarity on when it will be sent out.

03/25/24: Build 1959

  • Upgrade internal binaries and components (standard maintenance)

03/18/24: Build 1057 & 1058

  • Added MSP Aggregate Customer Compliance report and a settings page to schedule these reports.
  • Fixed downloading Certificates of Completion failed condition.
  • Performance improvements to admin interface and user experience.
  • Added end user acknowledgement popup when retaking phishing assignments on all platforms.

03/12/24:  Build 1056

Mass Update Users Feature

  • Add the ability to mass update users (multiselect for archive, restore etc.).

Welcome Email Improvement

  • Updated welcome email to send to new users when welcome email is enabled after automated training has begun.

02/20/24: Build 1054

  • Mobile device display improvements.
  • Enabled admins ability to disable/reset other admins Two-Factor verification.
  • Updated Phish test instructions landing page and pushed out to all deployments without changes to the default text.

02/13/24: Build 1053

  • Fixed issue with CyberHoot logo defaulting onto certificates of completion.
  • Fixed user removal in Entra ID sync where users were not being removed.
  • Performance improvements across the platform.

02/06/24: Build 1052

  • Found and removed all old 2-Phish and 3-Phish back-to-back simulations.
  • Added tips to phishing simulation results for end-user feedback.
  • Adopted international date standard for date variable across the platform.
  • Fixed issue in compliance table in downloadable reports.

01/30/2024 Build 1050

  • Renamed Azure to Entra ID
  • Fixed excel CSV file upload errors.
  • Added valid domain check to Dark Web reports using DeHashed.

01/23/2024 Build 1048 and 1049

  • Added logging on Customer Create and Type for MSPs.
  • My Assignment improvements (listing alphabetically, ‘declined’ changed to ‘failed’)
  • Added Dark Web exposure acknowledgements.
  • Added Dark Web API improvements and a minor bug fix in dark web.
  • Primary MSP tenant can no longer be deleted.
  • Add Skip feature for compliance reports when no training has been assigned yet.
  • Added Webp (Google graphics format) for company logos.

HootPhish Overviews: automatic delivery via Autopilot

CyberHoot’s Autopilot platform delivers a quarterly HootPhish assignment with zero effort from Administrators.  Watch the power of this positive, hyper-realistic simulation below.

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