Autopilot is CyberHoot's industry leading automated platform delivering awareness training and phish testing/simulations. All assignments are 100% automated.
03/11/25: Build 1113
- Updated automatic mode assigments to assign fall foundational videos + past 1 day of active assignments + 1 most recent HootPhish training instead of assigning foundational videos + past 100 days of active assignments.
- Added the ability to preview messages in the custom messaging power up.
- Updated user exposure emails with a button that takes the user directly to their exposures tab in my assignments.
- Updated HootPhish challenge in Autopilot to allow start and end dates to run based on time instead of day.
- Updated sync settings for Google in autopilot with ‘Exclude suspended users’ option.
03/04/25: Build 1112
- Updated my assignments and email footers to work with disabling settings.
- Added settings to Autopilot and API to allow admins to disable my assignments portal and email footers at the partner level.
- Fixed issue where Entra ID and Google sync would overwrite local managers.
- Added email notifications to user logs.
- Added in support for Norwegian Bokmål language.
02/20/25: Build 1110 & 1111
- Added compliance percentage badges to tables on customers dashboard.
- Updated assignments to only get assigned on weekdays.
- Added branding option in Autopilot to mark logo as company name.
- Updated Cybersecurity Summary report to include Hoot Scores for user compliance and score for completed assignments.
- Added alt text to welcome email images.
Added HootPhish challenge messaging/white-labeling to custom messaging Power-Up in Power-Up Platform.
02/04/25: Build 1108
- Added bulk delete action to suppression list in Autopilot.
- Update Entra ID and Google sync interface in Autopilot to work with new manager syncing options. Updated managers interface to allow admins to switch primary manager assignment.
- Added the ability to have multiple domains on a customer in Autopilot. Updated dark web monitoring to check additional domains.
01/21/25: Build 1107
- Added the ability to download a CSV of all customers from the customer dashboard in Autopilot.
- Updated Autopilot to show / track admins last login time.
01/14/25: Build 1106
- Fixed bug causing simulations to not work on pending trainings in power-up platform.
- Updated suppression list updates to occur daily instead of weekly.
01/07/25: Build 1104 & 1105
- Added subtitles to pages across Autopilot to give users better context of what customer or item they are viewing
12/24/24: Build 1103
- Power-up design and flow updates.
- Added HootPhish Challenge Power-up to Autopilot Power-up.
- Added customer sales report to Autupilot.
- Added HootPhish Challenge to reports.
- Updated user scoring to set number attempts = number of completed assignments if number attempts < number of completed assignments. This could occur if users completed assignments before we began tracking number of attempts.
- Removed last name requirements for users and managers in Autopilot.
12/17/24: Build 1102
- In email logs, added a clickable link under the “Suppression Reason” column that takes you to the “Bounced” tab with reasonings.
- Made all report recipient lists in Autopilot be searchable.
12/10/24: Build 1101
- Made managers compliance summary report configurable in the custom reporting power-up.
- Added the generated date to the header of each report section in the Cybersecurity Summary Reports.
- Added Custom Messaging power-up to Autopilot.
- Updated Autopilot to have a side navigation instead of a card for power-ups.
11/26/24: Build 1100
- Added additional columns to the bounced email logs table in Autopilot.
- Fixed issue displaying attack phish page in Autopilot Power-Up platform.
- Fixed console error when clicking retake ‘Not Required’ when saving training program.
- Set Entra ID sync to default to skipping Unlicensed and External users in Autopilot Power-Up platfrom.
11/19/24: Build 1099
- Added additional columns to the bounced email logs table in Autopilot.
- Fixed issue displaying attack phish page in Autopilot Power-Up platform.
- Fixed console error when clicking retake ‘Not Required’ when saving training program.
- Set Entra ID sync to default to skipping Unlicensed and External users in Autopilot Power-Up platform.
11/12/24: Build 1098
- Fixed issue viewing embedded Terms of Service document.
- Fixed issue with emails sometimes getting cut off in Outlook.
- Updated Autopilot to work with new user opt-out/in capabilities.
10/29/24: Build 1096
- Added ability to add multiple managers.
- Updated mass customer actions in Autopilot to only display if there are three or more customers in the system.
10/22/24: Build 1095
- Updating the MSP name will also update the MSP customer name in the API.
- Fixed issue with logo transparency and duplicates in the MSP marketing materials infographics.
- Added compliance checks to login.
10/15/24: Build 1094:
- Updated emails to use customer name instead of MSP name in the header.
10/09/24: Build 1093
- Updated Hoot Ranks in Autopilot to show non-compliant owl and status instead of showing Hoot Scores when users are non-compliant.
10/08/24: Build 1091 & 1092
- Updated quiz results to let users know when they missed selecting a correct answer on multiple choice questions.
- Updated ‘Unsafe’ labels in HootPhish to instead be ‘Suspicious’.
- Added walkthrough of tips/explanations in phishing results and made a few small design changes across phishing and quizzes.
- Improved Entra ID and Google sync error alerts and reporting.
- Added New HootPhish Challenge results page for any MSP seeking to promote CyberHoot’s HootPhish Challenge for their prospects and clients. HootPhish Challenge is a timed, gamified competition to measure how quickly someone can correctly label all the indicators of our Phishing Simulation Safe or Suspicious.
- Updated youtube embed URL to fix the issue with some users not being able to view youtube videos due to network restrictions.
- Updated restart user training to recalculate hoot scores clear attempt history.
10/01/24: Build 1090
- Implemented glacial and ultralight foundational program speeds and a fade-in effect on all cards in Autopilot.
- Added transcripts to English videos.
- Added compliance assurance setting to Autopilot.
09/24/24: Build 1089
- Fixed issue with overall compliance counts.
09/17/24: Build 1086 – 1088
- Added terms of service aggreement.
- Updated the “What to expect” in customer power ups to account for frequeny changes.
- Improved Entra ID Sync error messages.
- Added Cork to intgrations page.
- Updated welcome email content.
- Fixed issue where overdue outstanding assignments were not included in Hoot Score.
- Improvements to backend processes to improve site performance.
- Included additional line items on the MSP invoice to clearly identify any free trial users and internal customers.
09/10/2024: Build 1083 & 1084
- Updated auth email to check for and send “My Assignments” links if no admin account is found.
- Optimized email logs tables in Autopilot to better handle larger data sets.
- Updated msp aggregate report.
- Fixed issue where user hoot score was only looking at active assignments.
- Updated dark web user updates to run more efficiently.
09/03/2024: Build 1081
- Added ability to archive/skip synced users in ZAC. Also added ability to temporarily archive a user until a set date.
- Fixed issue where editing Google groups would result in a 500 error.
- Added MSP logging to admin customer create, edit and delete actions.
- Updated the “View all your Assignments” link in assignment emails to just redirect to the normal my assignments auth page instead of showing the error message if the link has expired.
- Reverted dark web emails back to only send to customer admins and not all super admins as well.
- Updated welcome email language everywhere that was using our default set welcome language.
08/27/2024: Build 1080
- Fixed issue with compliance % not showing in user/manager compliance reports.
- Updated HootScore to take into account incomplete overdue assignments.
- Increased memory allowed for Entra ID and Google user sync.
- Fixed algorithm for calculating Hoot Rank.
08/20/2024: Build 1079
- Added site admin warning check when creating/updating admins in Autopilot.
- Added ability to regenerate API key in Autopilot.
- Added API endpoint to update API key.
- Added more logging to Azure/Google syncing. Updated error handling to not clear out users/groups if an error is found.
08/13/2024: Build 1077 & 1078
- Fixed issue where user status would sometimes show status wrong for an assignment.
- Upgraded email functionality and redesigned standard email template in Autopilot.
- Fixed issue where Entra ID sync could not unarchive previously completed assignments when users were unarchived.
08/06/2024: Build 1076
- Updated infographics download in Autopilot to have three downloadable .zip options: 31 days, MSP Marketing, and Full Page.
- Added the ability to change the training start date and restart customer training in Autopilot.
07/30/2024: Build 1075
- Added ability to have client administrators.
- Added applied coupons to the subscription page.
07/23/2024: Build 1074
- Made usernames clickable to see user compliance status on admin level.
- Added ability to restart all active trainings at the user level (admin).
07/11/2024: Build 1073
- Made release notes button viewable by customer admins.
- Updated assignments to only assign to users if assignment is < 100 days old.
06/26/2024: Build 1071
- Updated the user exposures section in pdf reports to condense non-exposed users pages into a single list.
06/11/2024: Build 1070
- Allow user opt-outs based on customer settings.
- Updated manual “Welcome Email” message.
06/04/2024: Build 1069
- Added the ability for admins to manually send “Welcome Emails” from the interface.
05/25/2024: Build 1068
Added export csv to training history tables in Autopilot.
Improved speed/performance of compliance reporting scripts.
Updated toggling of the welcome email feature to reset welcome email sent on users if welcome email is enabled and training start date has not yet passed.
05/22/2024: Build 1067
- Added Hoot Rank and Infographic images to Autopilot.
- To reduce confusion in new users, the “My Assignments” link was removed from Welcome Emails.
05/7/2024: Build 1064 & 1065
- Updated the Terms of Service for new deployments.
- Fixed issue where Entra ID would sometimes not synchronize Managers.
- Updated Entra ID initial prompt to allow users to select from multiple accounts and require a new login each time they set up Entra sync.
04/30/24: Build 1063
- Added Link to “Release Notes” and made accessible to Super-Admins.
- Added User Status Page to view scoring status, training history, and user logs.
- Added ability to update the Billing Email.
- Added historical training compliance reports.
- Logging Improvements: Added customer logs, user training history, and training history details.
- My Assignments, Quizzes, and Simulations display updates and upgrades.
04/23/24: Build 1062
- Added Google User Synchronization.
- Updated HootPhish Challenge Game design and email updates.
04/16/24: Build 1061
- Created HootPhish Challenge Game designed to increase awareness and create competition in Phishing Detection and Deletion that is positively driven.
- Additional performance improvements to the User interface.
04/04/24: Build 1060
- Performance Improvements: updated compliance scripts to run more quickly and with less overhead on system performance.
- Added Customer Mass Actions (archive and unarchive) capability similar to User Mass actions to both CyberHoot’s API and the Admin dashboard.
- Added 24 hour expiration timer to “My Assignments” links instead of deleting the link after being clicked. Updated feedback to clicked “My Assignment” links to reflect expiration rather than throw a 404 error to end users.
- Added welcome email alert to Dashboard schedule for better clarity on when it will be sent out.
03/25/24: Build 1959
- Upgrade internal binaries and components (standard maintenance)
03/18/24: Build 1057 & 1058
- Added MSP Aggregate Customer Compliance report and a settings page to schedule these reports.
- Fixed downloading Certificates of Completion failed condition.
- Performance improvements to admin interface and user experience.
- Added end user acknowledgement popup when retaking phishing assignments on all platforms.
03/12/24: Build 1056
Mass Update Users Feature
- Add the ability to mass update users (multiselect for archive, restore etc.).
Welcome Email Improvement
- Updated welcome email to send to new users when welcome email is enabled after automated training has begun.
02/20/24: Build 1054
- Mobile device display improvements.
- Enabled admins ability to disable/reset other admins Two-Factor verification.
- Updated Phish test instructions landing page and pushed out to all deployments without changes to the default text.
02/13/24: Build 1053
- Fixed issue with CyberHoot logo defaulting onto certificates of completion.
- Fixed user removal in Entra ID sync where users were not being removed.
- Performance improvements across the platform.
02/06/24: Build 1052
- Found and removed all old 2-Phish and 3-Phish back-to-back simulations.
- Added tips to phishing simulation results for end-user feedback.
- Adopted international date standard for date variable across the platform.
- Fixed issue in compliance table in downloadable reports.
01/30/2024 Build 1050
- Renamed Azure to Entra ID
- Fixed excel CSV file upload errors.
- Added valid domain check to Dark Web reports using DeHashed.
01/23/2024 Build 1048 and 1049
- Added logging on Customer Create and Type for MSPs.
- My Assignment improvements (listing alphabetically, ‘declined’ changed to ‘failed’)
- Added Dark Web exposure acknowledgements.
- Added Dark Web API improvements and a minor bug fix in dark web.
- Primary MSP tenant can no longer be deleted.
- Add Skip feature for compliance reports when no training has been assigned yet.
- Added Webp (Google graphics format) for company logos.
HootPhish Overviews: automatic delivery via Autopilot
CyberHoot’s Autopilot platform delivers a quarterly HootPhish assignment with zero effort from Administrators. Watch the power of this positive, hyper-realistic simulation below.