Why Ditching Passwords is the Future of Online Security

For over 40 years, passwords have been the cornerstone of computer security, despite their many flaws. People turned to password managers to simplify and secure their login processes. Now, passkeys are set to revolutionize how we secure our online identities. Unlike traditional passwords, passkeys eliminate many common security risks, making them a crucial advancement everyone should understand. This article will explain what passkeys are, how they work, and why they represent the future of identity management online.

Understanding and Protecting Against the Telegram Scams

The Telegram App provides great ways for users to communicate with one another, however it also enables scammers to attack us in novel ways. This article outlines three common ways hackers use telegram to exploit unsuspecting users for their money.

Ransomware Gang turns Whistleblower to the SEC

Hackers Turn SEC Snitches: The Evolution of Ransomware Tactics

Hackers have evolved into snitches leveraging recent SEC legislation which requires companies to disclose within 4 days that they have been hacked and hit with ransomware. When Meridian did not disclose to the SEC they had been hacked, the Hacker group “BlackCat” filed a complaint with the SEC informing them they had evidence that Meridian had been hacked.

ransomware backup testing

Ransomware, Backups, and Testing your Plan

The news headlines seem to be filled with ransomware attacks of late. Business owners are taking note and asking their Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and IT departments to improve their …

fbi recovers ransomware funds

FBI Recovers Colonial Bitcoin Payment

In May of 2021, the United States’ largest pipeline, Colonial Pipeline, halted operations due to a ransomware attack. At the time, Colonial Pipeline carried 45% of the fuel used on the …

ransomware task force cybrary

Ransomware Task Force (RTF)

The Ransomware Task Force (RTF) is a group of high-profile security vendors who teamed up with the Institute for Security and Technology (IST) in December of 2020 to combat ransomware. Members …

colonial pipeline hacked

Ransomware Shuts Down Largest U.S. Pipeline

The United States’ largest pipeline, Colonial Pipeline, halted operations due to a ransomware attack. Colonial Pipeline carries 45% of the fuel used on the U.S. East Coast, running from Texas …

What Was 2020’s Most Expensive Cybercrime?

Reading the latest FBI report might convince you that Business Email Compromise was the largest cybercrime in 2020. Ransomware proves them wrong by a factor of at least 5 if not more. Both are scourges that SMBs need to protect themselves from. Become more aware to become more secure.

ransomware ban

US Treasury Bans Ransomware Payments

Oct.1st, 2020: The US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) warned organizations that making ransomware payments is illegal. These payments violate US economic sanctions banning the support of …

leakware cybrary


Leakware, also known as Doxware, is a new more potent, and dangerous form of ransomware. When a ransomware Attack containing Leakware occurs, the attacker threatens to publicize personal data (confidentiality …

europol emotet takedown

Emotet Operation Takedown

In January of 2021, law enforcement and judicial authorities across the globe disrupted one of the most notable botnets of the past decade: Emotet. Investigators have taken control of its …

Ransomware Task Force Forming

The damaging effects of ransomware hit $11.5 billion in 2019, and doubled in 2020 as new, more damaging strains of ransomware (Maze, Sodinokibi, Ryuk, Dharma) hit companies even harder. Older …

restore recovery cybrary

Restore (Recovery)

When -planning for risks to your small to medium sized business, you need to include data backups and recovery processes. Test that these work at least annually and be aware that some new hacking attacks cannot be addressed by simply restoring data from a strong backup strategy because of threats to your data’s confidentiality.

MAZE Ransomware: 3x Threat to Data Security

MAZE Ransomware represents a change for the worse in the capabilities of online hackers today. Traditional backup strategies are no longer enough to provide a get-out-of-jail-free card when hit with ransomware. Data confidentiality is also at risk now and that changes who will pay ransoms dramatically. Prepare now to avoid this scourge of online hacking.

Ransomware attack in Richmond Michigan Schools

Michigan School District Shut Down by Ransomware

Educational institutions are easy marks for hackers peddling ransomware. They have lots of critical student and employee data, small cybersecurity budgets, and don’t train students or faculty how to spot and avoid common cyber-attacks. Combined with an ability to pay ransoms either through cyber-insurance coverage or city coffers, and they have a perfect cyberattacks bullseye on them!


Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system, and more importantly the critical data it contains, until a sum of money or ransom …

RYUK Ransomware infects 110 Healthcare Facilities

This past Thanksgiving weekend, 110 healthcare facilities were infected by a ransomware attack on their IT provider. Virtual Care Provider Inc. (VCPI), provides security, data hosting and access management services …

Watch out for Cyber Monday Phishing Scams

Who is most likely to fall victim to Cyber Monday phishing scams? People who don’t know about phishing scams, typosquatting, and fake look-alike websites. Did you know there are 4 …

BlueKeep is MS Blaster

Good backups will let you go back in time to recover compromised systems. Don’t let this happen by not patching for BlueKeep now.