CyberHoot API
The CyberHoot API is available to our partners. It is organized around REST, uses standard HTTP response codes, accepts form-encoded request bodies, and returns JSON-encoded responses.
All API requests require a valid API Key. The Items API uses HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API Key as the basic auth username value in the request Authentication header (You don’t need to provide a password). Your API Key can be found under MSP Settings in your CyberHoot deployment. You can also generate a new API Key here (Note this will make your current API Key invalid).
To authenticate to the Items API you must provide your API Key in the Basic Authorization header of your HTTP request. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over HTTP will fail and API requests without authentication will also fail.
-u <API_KEY>:
# The colon prevents curl from asking for a password.
# Replace <DEPLOYMENT_SUBDOMAIN> with your deployment subdomain
# Replace <API_KEY> with your API Key
Status Codes
The CyberHoot API utilizes the following HTTP Status Codes in its responses.
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | Not Found |
500 | Internal Server Error |
The CyberHoot API returns errors in this format along with the corresponding HTTP Status Code.
"error" : string,
"error_description" : string
# error = short code of error(s) that occurred
# error description = details of error(s) that occurred
API Endpoints
Get Customers
Returns a list of customers.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
limit | Optional | Integer | Limit number of customers returned. Max of 1,000, default is 100. |
starting_after | Optional | Integer | Id of customer to start pulling customers after. Used for pagination. |
customer_type | Optional | String | Options are: 'power', 'standard', or 'hootphish'. Use 'standard' for Autopilot customers. |
active | Optional | Integer | 0 - returns archived customers 1 - returns active customers Default: 1 |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d limit=2 \
Response Fields:
[id] => STRING
[domain] => STRING
[name] => STRING
[customer_type] => STRING
[training_start_date] => INTEGER
[foundational_program_speed] => STRING
[support_email] => STRING
[primary_color] => HEX COLOR
[secondary_color] => HEX COLOR
[branding_override] => INTEGER (1 = override, 0 = use default)
[date_created] => INTEGER
[report_frequency] => STRING (weekly or monthly)
[report_day] => INTEGER (day of the month 1-31)
[report_recipients_json] => JSON
[welcome_email_enabled] => INTEGER (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
[hoot_score] => INTEGER
[hoot_rank] => STRING
[activePolicyCount] => INTEGER
[overallPolicyCompliance] => PERCENT
[activeVideoCount] => INTEGER
[overallVideoCompliance] => PERCENT
[activeSurveyCount] => INTEGER
[overallSurveyCompliance] => PERCENT
[activePhishingCount] => INTEGER
[overallPhishingCompliance] => PERCENT
[activeZacFoundationalCount] => INTEGER
[overallZacFoundationalCompliance] => PERCENT
[userCount] => INTEGER
Get Customer
Returns a specific customer.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d id=1000 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Customers request.
Get Customer Security Awareness Rank
Returns the security awareness rank for a specific customer.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
"hootRank": STRING (ID of HootRank),
"hootScore": INT (Current HootScore),
"badgeImage": STRING (Path to HootRank owl image),
"badgeIcon": STRING (Path to HootRank owl icon image),
Get Customer Available Security Awareness Rank Levels
•Returns a list of all available HootRanks at a customer level.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
"hoot rank ID": {
"id": STRING (ID of HootRank),
"jsonFile": STRING (Location of information file),
"name": STRING (Name of HootRank),
"training_threshold": STRING (Combined amount of assignments users must complete to achieve this HootRank),
"training_threshold_desc": STRING (Description of amount of assignments users must complete to achieve this HootRank),
"score_threshold": STRING (Combined scores users must have to achieve this HootRank),
"score_threshold_desc": STRING (Description of how scoring works to achieve this HootRank),
"description": STRING (Description of this HootRank),
"image": STRING (Path to HootRank owl image),
"image_icon": STRING (Path to HootRank owl icon image),
"color": STRING (bootstrap color of badge),
"contrast_color": STRING (contrast color)
Get Customer Logs
Returns a list of all customer logs.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | Id of the customer |
type | Optional | String | Source of log. Options are: video, policy, user, group, customer, general, training_program, manager, training_program_instance, phishing, automated_phishing, automated_training |
type_id | Optional | Integer | Id of the selected type in the row above |
admin_id | Optional | Integer | Id of admin who performed for this log |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d type=video
-d admin_id=100
Response Fields:
"message": STRING (log message),
"type": STRING (Source of log),
"typeId": INT (ID of the type of log this is),
"logTimestamp": INT (Unix timestamp of when log was created),
"adminId": INT (ID of admin who performed action for this log)
"adminFirstName": STRING (Admin first name)
"adminLastName": STRING (Admin last name)
Get Managers
Returns a list of managers.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
limit | Optional | Integer | number of results to pull |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d limit=10 \
Response Fields:
[id] => INTEGER (id of manager)
[first_name] => STRING
[last_name] => STRING
[email_addr] => STRING
[manager_type] => STRING
[external_id] => STRING
[default] => INTEGER
[active] => INTEGER (1 = active in system, 0 = not active)
Get Users
Returns a list of users.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
[id] => INTEGER (id of user)
[parent_user_id] => INTEGER (DEPRECATED)
[new_user_id] => INTEGER (DEPRECATED)
[date_created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[customer_id] => INTEGER
[compliant] => STRING (yes or no)
[first_name] => STRING
[last_name] => STRING
[email_address] => STRING
[manager_id] => INTEGER
[user_type] => STRING
[external_id] => STRING
[onboarding_email_sent] => INTEGER (1 = sent, 0 = not sent)
[onboarding_email_sent_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[phishing_difficulty] => STRING
[reset_phishing_difficulty] => STRING
[hoot_score] => INTEGER (will send 'n/a' when not applicable)
[video_score] => INTEGER (will send 'n/a' when not applicable)
[phishing_score] => INTEGER (will send 'n/a' when not applicable)
[policy_score] => INTEGER (will send 'n/a' when not applicable)
[optional_score] => INTEGER (will send 'n/a' when not applicable)
[completed_assignments] => INTEGER
[num_attempts] => INTEGER (attempts to complete assignments)
[hoot_rank] => STRING
[archived_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[active] => INTEGER (1 = active in system, 0 = not active)
[manager_first_name] => STRING (DEPRECATED)
[manager_last_name] => STRING (DEPRECATED)
[manager_email_address] => STRING (DEPRECATED)
[error] => STRING
[complianceInfo] => ARRAY (
[compliantCount] => INTEGER
[assignments] => ARRAY (
[active] => ARRAY (
[0] => ARRAY (
[id] => INTEGER
[name] => STRING
[type] => STRING
[completed_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[pending] => ARRAY (
[0] => ARRAY (
[id] => INTEGER
[name] => STRING
[type] => STRING
[completed_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[archived] => ARRAY (
[0] => ARRAY (
[id] => INTEGER
[name] => STRING
[type] => STRING
[completed_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
Get User
Returns a specific user.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
id | Required | Integer | id of the user |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d id=1001 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Users request.
Get User Available HootRanks
Returns a list of all available HootRanks at a user level.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
"hoot rank ID": {
"id": STRING (ID of HootRank),
"jsonFile": STRING (Location of information file),
"name": STRING (Name of HootRank),
"training_threshold": STRING (Amount of assignments user must complete to achieve this HootRank),
"training_threshold_desc": STRING (Description of amount of assignments users must complete to achieve this HootRank),
"score_threshold": STRING (Score user must have to achieve this HootRank),
"score_threshold_desc": STRING (Description of how scoring works to achieve this HootRank),
"description": STRING (Description of this HootRank),
"image": STRING (Path to HootRank owl image),
"image_icon": STRING (Path to HootRank owl icon image),
"color": STRING (bootstrap color of badge),
"contrast_color": STRING (contrast color)
Get User Security Awareness Rank
Returns security awareness rank for a specific user.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
user_id | Required | Integer | id of the user |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d user_id=1001 \
Response Fields:
"hootRank": STRING (ID of HootRank),
"hootScore": INT (Current HootScore),
"videoScore": INT (Current video score),
"phishingScore": INT (Current Phishing score),
"policyScore": INT (Current policy score),
"badgeImage": STRING (Path to HootRank owl image),
"badgeIcon": STRING (Path to HootRank owl icon image),
Get Groups
Returns a list of groups.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
[id] => INTEGER (id of group)
[name] => STRING
[hr_first_name] => STRING
[hr_last_name] => STRING
[hr_email] => STRING
[group_type] => STRING
[external_id] => STRING
[users] => ARRAY (
[45] => ARRAY (
[id] => INTEGER (id of user in group)
[name] => STRING
[email] => STRING
[assignments] => ARRAY (
[active] => ARRAY (
[772] => ARRAY (
[id] => INTEGER (id of training)
[name] => STRING
[type] => STRING
Get Group
Returns a specific group.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
id | Required | Integer | id of the group |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d id=1001 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Groups request.
Get Assignments
Returns a list of assignments.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
[id] => INTEGER (id of assignment)
[policy_name] => STRING
[policy_type] => STRING
[is_optional] => INTEGER (1 = optional, 0 = required)
[effective_start] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[effective_end] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[policy_file_name] => STRING (could be a file name or URL)
[policy_file_type] => STRING
[public] => INTEGER (1 = public, 0 = not public)
[archived] => INTEGER (1 = archived, 0 = not archived)
[groups] => ARRAY (
[1] => ARRAY (
[group_id] => INTEGER
[group_name] => STRING
Get Assignment
Returns a specific assignment.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
id | Required | Integer | id of the assignment |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d id=1001 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Assignments request.
Get Assignment History
Returns a list of all (active or archived) assignment compliance history for the selected customer.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
archived | Optional | Integer | 1 for active or 0 for archived (defaults to 1) |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d archived=1 \
Response Fields:
"policyId": {
"policyName": Training name,
"policyType": Type of policy this is (policy, video, or phishing),
"effectiveStart": INTEGER (Date format YYYYMMDD),
"effectiveEnd": INTEGER (Date format YYYYMMDD),
"overallCompliance": INTEGER (compliance score for this policy)
Get Assignment User Compliance
Returns a breakdown of user compliance information for a given assignment.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
policy_id | Required | Integer | Id of the assignment |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d policy_id=10 \
Response Fields:
"policyName": Training Name,
"users": [
"compliant": STRING (user compliance status),
"userFirstName": STRING (user first name),
"userLastName": STRING (user last name),
"managerId": INTEGER (ID of manager),
"managerFullName": STRING (manager full name),
"score": INTEGER (Users score on this training),
"attempts": INTEGER (Number of attempts user has taken on this training),
"dateLastSent": STRING (Last email notification date/time),
"dateResponded": STRING (When user responded date/time),
"overview": {
"percentCompliant": INTEGER (Overall compliance percentage of all users for this training),
"percentResponded": INTEGER (Percent of assigned users who have responded to this training),
"percentNotResponded": INTEGER (Percent of assigned users who have not responded to this training)
Get User Training History
Returns a list of compliance and response information for all active/archived training history for a given user.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
user_id | Required | Integer | Id of the user |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d user_id=10 \
Response Fields:
"user policy response ID": {
"id": INT (ID of the user’s policy response),
"policyId": INT (ID of the policy),
"policyType": STRING (type of training: policy, video or phishing),
"dateLastSent": STRING (Date of last email sent to user for this policy – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"userFirstOpenedDate": STRING (Date user first opened email for this policy – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"dateResponded": STRING (Date user responded to this policy – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"fourthEmailSentDate": STRING (Date HR email was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"thirdEmailSentDate": STRING (Date manager email was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"secondEmailSentDate": STRING (Date reminder email was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"firstEmailSentDate STRING (Date initial was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"accepted": INT (1 if user has accepted the policy, otherwise 0),
"firstEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"secondEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"thirdEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"fourthEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"notificationNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"whichNotification": INT (Which notification is needed, 1-4),
"questionScore": STRING (serialized data of user scoring details),
"quizResults": STRING (serialized data of user quiz results details),
"userGroupName": STRING (Name of group user is a part of that is assigned to this policy),
"policyName": STRING (Policy name),
"isOptional": INT (1 if policy is optional, otherwise 0),
"questionEnabled": INT (1 if quiz is enabled, otherwise 0),
"policyStatus": STRING (Active, Pending, or Archived),
"emailExpiresDate": "20240405",
"effectiveStart": INT (Date policy starts, YYYYMMDD format),
"effectiveEnd": INT (Date policy ends, YYYYMMDD format),
"firstNotifyDate": INT (Date initial email gets sent, YYYYMMDD format),
"secondNotifyDate": INT (Date reminder email gets sent, YYYYMMDD format),
"thirdNotifyDate": INT (Date manager email gets sent, YYYYMMDD format),
"fourthNotifyDate": INT (Date HR email gets sent, YYYYMMDD format),
"notificationName": STRING (Current notification that is needed),
"status": STRING (users current status/step in the policy response),
Get User Training History Details
Returns response details for a specific training for a given user.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
user_id | Required | Integer | Id of the user |
policy_id | Required | Integer | Id of the assignment |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d user_id=10 \
-d policy_id=100 \
Response Fields:
"dateLastSent": STRING (Date of last email sent to user for this policy – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"userFirstOpenedDate": STRING (Date user first opened email for this policy – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"dateResponded": STRING (Date user responded to this policy – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"fourthEmailSentDate": STRING (Date HR email was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"thirdEmailSentDate": STRING (Date manager email was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"secondEmailSentDate": STRING (Date reminder email was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"firstEmailSentDate STRING (Date initial was sent – YYYY-MM-DD, h:ia format),
"accepted": INT (1 if user has accepted the policy, otherwise 0),
"firstEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"secondEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"thirdEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"fourthEmailNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"notificationNeeded": STRING (Yes or no),
"whichNotification": INT (Which notification is needed, 1-4),
"questionScore": STRING (serialized data of user scoring details),
"userGroupName": STRING (name of group user is a part of that is assigned to this policy)
"policyName": STRING (Policy name),
"questionEnabled": INT (1 if quiz is enabled, otherwise 0),
"policyType": STRING (Type of training: Video, Policy or Phishing),
"effectiveStart": STRING (Date policy starts),
"effectiveEnd": STRING (Date policy ends),
"firstNotifyDate": STRING (Date initial email is sent),
"secondNotifyDate": STRING (Date reminder email is sent),
"thirdNotifyDate": STRING (Date manager email is sent),
"fourthNotifyDate": STRING (Date HR email is sent)
Dark Web Exposures
Get All Users Exposures
Returns a list of all exposed users for a customer.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
[] => ARRAY (
[userId] => INTEGER (if field is not returned, the email is not attached to a user in the system)
[name] => STRING
[firstBreachDate] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[latestBreachDate] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[unacknowledgedExposures] => INTEGER
[breachCount] => INTEGER
Get User Exposures
Returns a list of all dark web exposures found for a users.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
user_id | Conditionally Required (Only required if email is not set, used for accounts that are in the CyberHoot system) | Integer | id of the user |
Conditionally Required (Only required if user_id is not set, used for domain accounts that are not in the CyberHoot system) | String | Email of the exposed domain account |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d user_id=1001 \
Response Fields:
[userName] => STRING
[userEmail] => STRING
[pwnedBreaches] => ARRAY (
[1] => ARRAY (
[breachDate] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[dateFound] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[breachId] => INTEGER
[logoPath] => STRING (URL of logo)
[title] => STRING
[description] => STRING
[affected] => STRING (number of people affected with commas)
[dataClasses] => STRING (comma-delimited list of affected data)
[acknowledged] => INTGER (1 = yes, 0 = no)
[breachJoinId] => INTEGER
[dehashedBreaches] => ARRAY (
[3] => ARRAY (
[error] => STRING
[id] => INTEGER
[dehashed_id] => INTEGER
[email] => STRING
[ip_address] => STRING
[username] => STRING
[password] => STRING
[hashed_password] => STRING
[name] => STRING
[vin] => STRING
[address] => STRING
[phone] => STRING
[database_name] => STRING
[acknowledged] => INTEGER (1 = yes, 0 = no)
[date_found] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[active] => INTGER (1 = active, 0 = inactive)
Notify All Users With Exposures
Sends an email to all exposed users notifying each of them about their exposures with exposure details.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
message | Required | String | email body message to send to each user along with their exposure report |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d message='Example Message' \
Response Fields:
Returns '1' on success.
Notify A Specific User With Exposures
Sends an email to a SPECIFIC exposed user about their exposures/details, using their email on file.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
user_id | Conditionally Required (Only required if user_email is not set, used for accounts that are in the CyberHoot system) | Integer | id of the user |
user_email | Conditionally Required (Only required if user_id is not set, used for accounts that are in the CyberHoot system) | String | Email of exposed domain account |
message | Required | String | Message to send to user along with their exposure report (email body) |
emails | Optional | String | A comma delimited list of additional emails to send the report to |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d user_id=1001 \
-d message='Example Message' \
- d emails=','
Response Fields:
Returns '1' on success.
Get Administrators
Returns a list of administrators.
Request Method | Endpoint |
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
[id] => INTEGER (id of administrator)
[first_name] => STRING
[last_name] => STRING
[email_address] => STRING
[phone_number] => STRING
[password] => STRING
[force_pw_change] => INTEGER (1 = force, 0 = no force)
[tos_accept_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[last_login_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[site_admin] => INTEGER (1 = is site admin, 0 = is not site admin)
[customer_id] => INTEGER
[primary_customer_Id] => INTEGER
[date_created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[reset_password_hash] => STRING
[reset_password_timestamp] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[verified] => INTEGER
[verify_hash] => STRING
[row_limit] => INTEGER
[browser_version] => STRING
[timezone] => STRING
[2fa_token] => STRING
[2fa_token_expiration_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[authentication_method] => STRING
[authenticator_app_secret_key] => STRING
[link_auth] => STRING
[2fa_bypass_token] => STRING
[2fa_bypass_token_expiration] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[active] => INTEGER (1 = active, 0 = not active)
Get Administrator
Returns a specific administrator.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
id | Required | Integer | id of the administrator |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d id=1000 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Administrators request.
Compliance Metrics
Get Compliance Metrics
Return customer compliance metrics and supporting data.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
[overallPolicyCompliance] => INTEGER (Percent compliant for policies)
[overallVideoCompliance] => INTEGER (Percent compliant for videos/training)
[overallSurveyCompliance] => INTEGER (Percent compliant for surveys)
[overallPhishingCompliance] => INTEGER (Percent compliant for phishing training)
[overallZacFoundationalCompliance] => INTEGER (Percent compliant for foundational training. *If using Autopilot)
[activePolicyCount] => INTEGER (Number of active policies)
[activeVideoCount] => INTEGER (Number of active videos/trainings)
[activeSurveyCount] => INTEGER (Number of active surveys)
[activePolicyCount] => INTEGER (Number of active phishing trainings)
[userCount] => INTEGER (Number of users included in these metrics)
Download Manager Report
Download manager compliance summary report for a specific manager
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
manager_id | Required | Integer | id of the manager |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d manager_id=100 \
Response Fields:
"tmpFile": Temporary file name available for downloading
To download file:
Use the tmpFile from the response and pass it to this url, along with your customer ID and API key as parameters:
curl https://<DEPLOYMENT_SUBDOMAIN><API Key>&custId=<Customer ID>&file=<tmpFile>
Email Manager Report
Email manager compliance summary report for one or more managers
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
emailMgrIdCsv | Required | String | ids of managers in a comma separated list |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
-d emailMgrIdCsv=100,200,300 \
Response Fields:
Returns '1' if successful
Get Reporting Types
Returns a list of all available reporting types
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
id | Optional | Integer | id of report type, if left blank a list of all available active reports will be returned |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d id=1000 \
Response Fields:
"typeId": {
"id": INTEGER (ID of report type),
"name": STRING (Name of report),
"directory": STRING (Directory name of where the view files are built – Internal use only),
"description": STRING (Description of report),
"ch_delivery_day": STRING (CyberHoot’s default setting for delivery day),
"ch_frequency": ENUM(monthly,weekly) (CyberHoot’s default setting for how often the report gets sent,
"ch_recipients_json": JSON (CyberHoot’s default setting for report recipients),
"ch_sections_json": JSON (CyberHoot’s default setting enabled report sections),
"msp_delivery_day": STRING (Partner’s default setting for delivery day),
"msp_frequency": ENUM(monthly,weekly) (Partner’s default setting for how often the report gets sent,
"msp_recipients_json": JSON (Partner’s default setting for report recipients),
"msp_sections_json": JSON (Partner’s default setting enabled report sections)
Get Customer Report Settings
Returns report settings for a given customer
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
cust_id | Required | Integer | id of customer |
reporting_type_id | Optional | Integer | id of report type, if left blank a list of settings for all available active reports will be returned |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d cust_id=1000 \
-d reporting_type_id=100 \
Response Fields:
"reportingTypeId": {
"reporting_type_id": INTEGER (ID of report type),
"delivery_source": ENUM(msp,cyberhoot,custom) (Where delivery settings where pulled from),
"delivery_day": STRING (Day the report will be automatically delivered),
"frequency": ENUM(weekly,monthly) (How often the report will be automatically delivered),
" recipients_json": JSON (Customer’s settings for report recipients),
"sections_source": ENUM(msp,cyberhoot,custom) (Where sections settings where pulled from),
" sections_json": JSON (Customer’s settings enabled report sections)
Download Sales Report
Download sales report for a specific customer
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of customer |
emailCsv | Optional | String | Comma separated list of email addresses to send report to |
emailAdminIdCsv | Optional | String | Comma separated list of admin IDs to send report to |
sendPartnerRecipient | Optional | Integer | Set to ‘1’ to send to partner recipient |
emailMgrIdCsv | Optional | String | Comma separated list of manager IDs to send report to |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d cust_id=1000 \
-d \
-d emailAdminIdCsv=1,2,3 \
-d sendPartnerRecipient=1 \
-d emailMgrIdCsv \
Response Fields:
Returns ‘1’ if successful
Email Sales Report
Email sales report for a specific customer
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d cust_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
"tmpFile": Temporary file name available for downloading
To download file:
Use the tmpFile from the response and pass it to this url, along with your customer ID and API key as parameters:
curl https://<DEPLOYMENT_SUBDOMAIN><API Key>&custId=<Customer ID>&file=<tmpFile>
Training Schedules
Get Training Schedule
Returns a list of all scheduled training including Foundational Training.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
[trainings] => ARRAY (
[1] => ARRAY (
[id] => INTEGER (id of training)
[parent_policy_id] => INTEGER
[renewed_policy_id] => INTEGER
[customer_id] => INTEGER
[effective_start] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[effective_end] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[effective_duration_value] => INTEGER
[effective_duration_type] => STRING
[enable_renew_date] => INTEGER (1 = yes, 0 = no)
[renew_date] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[renew_warning_days] => INTEGER
[acceptance_window] => INTEGER
[beginning_of_acceptance_window] => INTEGER (Date format: YYYYMMDD)
[warning_notification_days] => INTEGER
[hr_notification_days] => INTEGER
[policy_name] => STRING
[policy_file_name] => STRING (could be a file name or URL)
[policy_file_type] => STRING
[policy_message] => STRING
[end_user_refusal_message] => STRING
[first_notice_subject] => STRING
[warning_notice_subject] => STRING
[expiration_notice_subject] => STRING
[hr_notice_subject] => STRING
[hr_notice_email] => STRING
[first_notice_email] => STRING
[warning_notice_email] => STRING
[expiration_notice_email] => STRING
[send_first_notice_email] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[send_warning_notice_email] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[send_expiration_notice_email] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[send_hr_notice_email] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[fixed_acceptance_date] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[policy_type] => STRING
[public] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[report_admin_csv] => STRING
[report_email_csv] => STRING
[question_enabled] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[question_passing_score] => DECIMAL
[is_optional] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[archived] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[training_program_id] => INTEGER
[training_program_instance_id] => INTEGER
[library_id] => INTEGER
[library_type] => STRING
[library_version] => INTEGER
[version] => INTEGER
[retake_override] => INTEGER ( 1 = yes, 0 = no)
[phishing_difficulty] => STRING
[overall_compliance] => INTEGER
[deployment] => DEPRECATED
[groupsArr] => STRING
[error] => STRING
[active] => INTEGER ( 1 = active, 0 = inactive)
[compliance] => ARRAY (
[1] => ARRAY (
[policyName] => STRING
[policyType] => STRING
[overallCompliance] => INTEGER
Get Scheduled Automatic Foundational Training Program
Returns the automatic training schedule for CyberHoot's foundational training.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Training Schedule request.
Get Scheduled Automatic Training Program
Returns the automatic training schedule for CyberHoot's annual training program.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Training Schedule request.
Get Scheduled Automatic Phishing Program
Returns the automatic training schedule for CyberHoot's annual phishing program.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
customer_id | Required | Integer | id of the customer |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
-d customer_id=1000 \
Response Fields:
Same as the Get Training Schedule request.
Partner Settings
Get Partner Settings
Returns current partner settings.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
type | Required | ENUM | Which infographic to send. Options are: full-page, thirty-one-days, msp-marketing |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
[id] => INTEGER
[full_name] => STRING
[short_name] => STRING
[contact_email] => STRING
[contact_phone] => STRING
[website] => STRING
[service_name] => STRING
[sales_module_report_msg] => STRING
[sales_enabled] => INTEGER (1 = yes, 0 = no)
[whitelabel_certificate_of_completion] => INTEGER (1 = yes, 0 = no)
[primary_color] => HEX Color
[secondary_color] =>HEX Color
[ch_color_override] => INTEGER (1 = yes, 0 = no)
[show_wizard] => INTEGER (1 = yes, 0 = no)
[api_key] => STRING
[timezone] => STRING
[cust_id] => INTEGER
Get infographics download file
•Generate then returns a URL to download the generated .zip file
Request Method | Endpoint |
Example Request:
curl https://<DEPLOYMENT_SUBDOMAIN> / \ -u <API_KEY>: \ -d type=msp-marketing \ -G
Response Fields:
"downloadUrl": URL to download the generated .zip file
Multi-Language Support Settings
Get Supported Languages
Returns a list of all supported languages in the CyberHoot platform
Request Method | Endpoint |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
"language ID": {
"error": BOOL (True if error, otherwise null),
"id": INT (ID of language),
"language": STRING,
"language_code": STRING,
"active": INT
Subscription Information
Get Subscription Information
Returns partner subscription information.
Request Method | Endpoint |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
[spawCustomerId] => INTEGER
[subscriptionId] => STRING (Stripe subscription ID)
[billingCustomerId] => STRING (Stripe customer ID)
[customerInfoArray] => ARRAY (
[id] => STRING (Stripe customer ID)
[object] => STRING
[account_balance] => INTEGER
[address] => ARRAY (
[city] => STRING
[country] => STRING
[line1] => STRING
[line2] => STRING
[postal_code] => STRING
[state] => STRING
[balance] => INTEGER
[created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[currency] => STRING
[default_currency] => STRING
[default_source] => STRING
[delinquent] => STRING
[description] => STRING
[discount] => STRING
[email] => STRING
[invoice_prefix] => STRING
[invoice_settings] => ARRAY (
[custom_fields] => STRING
[default_payment_method] => STRING
[footer] => STRING
[rendering_options] => STRING
[livemode] => STRING
[metadata] => Array
[name] => STRING
[next_invoice_sequence] => INTEGER
[phone] => STRING
[preferred_locales] => Array
[0] => STRING
[shipping] => STRING
[sources] => ARRAY (
[object] => STRING
[data] => ARRAY (
[has_more] => STRING
[total_count] => INTEGER
[url] => STRING
[subscriptions] => ARRAY (
[object] => STRING
[data] => ARRAY (
[has_more] => STRING
[total_count] => INTEGER
[url] => STRING
[tax_exempt] => STRING
[tax_ids] => ARRAY (
[object] => STRING
[data] => ARRAY (
[has_more] => STRING
[total_count] => INTEGER
[url] => STRING
[tax_info] => STRING
[tax_info_verification] => STRING
[test_clock] => STRING
[subscription] => ARRAY (
[id] => STRING
[object] => STRING
[application] => STRING
[application_fee_percent] => DECIMAL
[automatic_tax] => ARRAY (
[enabled] => STRING
[liability] => STRING
[billing] => STRING
[billing_cycle_anchor] => STRING
[billing_cycle_anchor_config] => STRING
[billing_thresholds] => STRING
[cancel_at] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[cancel_at_period_end] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[canceled_at] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[cancellation_details] => ARRAY (
[comment] => STRING
[feedback] => STRING
[reason] => STRING
[collection_method] => STRING
[created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[currency] => STRING
[current_period_end] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[current_period_start] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[customer] => STRING
[days_until_due] => INTEGER
[default_payment_method] => STRING
[default_source] => STRING
[default_tax_rates] => ARRAY(
[description] => STRING
[discount] => STRING
[ended_at] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[invoice_customer_balance_settings] => ARRAY (
[consume_applied_balance_on_void] => INTEGER
[invoice_settings] => ARRAY (
[account_tax_ids] => STRING
[issuer] => ARRAY (
[type] => STRING
[items] => ARRAY (
[object] => STRING
[data] => ARRAY (
[0] => ARRAY (
[id] => STRING
[object] => STRING
[billing_thresholds] => STRING
[created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[metadata] => ARRAY (
[plan] => ARRAY (
[id] => STRING
[object] => STRING
[active] => INTEGER
[aggregate_usage] => STRING
[amount] => INTEGER
[amount_decimal] => DECIMAL
[billing_scheme] => STRING
[created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[currency] => STRING
[interval] => STRING
[interval_count] => INTEGER
[livemode] => STRING
[metadata] => ARRAY (
[nickname] => STRING
[product] => STRING
[tiers] => STRING
[tiers_mode] => STRING
[transform_usage] => STRING
[trial_period_days] => INTEGER
[usage_type] => STRING
[price] => ARRAY (
[id] => STRING
[object] => STRING
[active] => INTEGER
[billing_scheme] => STRING
[created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[currency] => STRING
[custom_unit_amount] => INTEGER
[livemode] => STRING
[lookup_key] => STRING
[metadata] => ARRAY (
[nickname] => STRING
[product] => STRING
[recurring] => ARRAY (
[aggregate_usage] => STRING
[interval] => STRING
[interval_count] => INTEGER
[trial_period_days] => INTEGER
[usage_type] => STRING
[tax_behavior] => STRING
[tiers_mode] => STRING
[transform_quantity] => INTEGER
[type] => STRING
[unit_amount] => INTEGER
[unit_amount_decimal] => DECIMAL
[quantity] => INTEGER
[subscription] => STRING
[tax_rates] => ARRAY (
[has_more] => STRING
[total_count] => INTEGER
[url] => STRING
[latest_invoice] => STRING
[livemode] => STRING
[metadata] => ARRAY (
[next_pending_invoice_item_invoice] => STRING
[on_behalf_of] => STRING
[pause_collection] => STRING
[payment_settings] => ARRAY (
[payment_method_options] => STRING
[payment_method_types] => STRING
[save_default_payment_method] => STRING
[pending_invoice_item_interval] => STRING
[pending_setup_intent] => STRING
[pending_update] => STRING
[plan] => ARRAY (
[id] => STRING
[object] => STRING
[active] => INTEGER
[aggregate_usage] => STRING
[amount] => INTEGER
[amount_decimal] => DECIMAL
[billing_scheme] => STRING
[created] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[currency] => STRING
[interval] => STRING
[interval_count] => INTEGER
[livemode] => STRING
[metadata] => ARRAY (
[nickname] => STRING
[product] => STRING
[tiers] => STRING
[tiers_mode] => STRING
[transform_usage] => STRING
[trial_period_days] => STRING
[usage_type] => STRING
[quantity] => INTEGER
[schedule] => STRING
[start] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[start_date] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[status] => STRING
[tax_percent] => DECIMAL
[test_clock] => STRING
[transfer_data] => STRING
[trial_end] => INTEGER (UNIX timestamp)
[trial_settings] => ARRAY (
[end_behavior] => ARRAY (
[missing_payment_method] => STRING
[trial_start] => INTEGER
[referral_info] => STRING
[isReseller] => INTEGER
[cancelFeedback] => STRING
[primaryCustomerId] => INTEGER
[nextInvoiceAmount] => DECIMAL
Email Logs
Get Delivered Emails
Returns a list of successfully delivered emails
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
start | Optional | Integer | Row number to start pull on, indexed by 0. This will default to 0 if not provided. |
length |
Optional |
Integer |
Number of rows to pull. This will default to 10 if not provided. |
columnName |
Optional |
String |
Column name to sort by. Options are: to_email, email_subject, or sent_time. |
columnSortOrder |
Optional |
String |
Order to sort by based on columnName. Options are: ASC for ascending or DESC for descending. |
searchValue |
Optional |
String |
Value to search for, searches columns to_email, email_subject and sent_time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MMa format. |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
‘totalRecords’ : INT (The total number of records available in the table)
‘totalFiltered’: INT (The total number of records found in the search)
‘data’ : [record ID] => [
‘toEmail’ : STRING (The email address delivered to)
‘emailSubject’: STRING (Subject of email)
‘sentTime’: INT (Unix timestamp of when email was sent)
Get Bounced Emails
Returns a list of bounced emails
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
start | Optional | Integer | Row number to start pull on, indexed by 0. This will default to 0 if not provided. |
length |
Optional |
Integer |
Number of rows to pull. This will default to 10 if not provided. |
columnName |
Optional |
String |
Column name to sort by. Options are: to_email, email_subject, or sent_time. |
columnSortOrder |
Optional |
String |
Order to sort by based on columnName. Options are: ASC for ascending or DESC for descending. |
searchValue |
Optional |
String |
Value to search for, searches columns to_email, email_subject, bounce_type, and sent_time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MMa format |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
‘totalRecords’ : INT (The total number of records available in the table)
‘totalFiltered’: INT (The total number of records found in the search)
‘data’ : [record ID] => [
‘toEmail’ : STRING (The email address delivered to),
‘fromEmail’: STRING (The email address sent from),
‘bounceType’ STRING (Type of bounce, complaint or bounce),
‘emailSubject’: STRING (Subject of email),
‘sentTime’: INT (Unix timestamp of when email was sent)
Get Email Complaints
Returns a list of email complaints
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
id | Optional | Integer | id of the email |
to_email |
Optional |
String |
Email address the email was sent to |
from_email |
Optional |
String |
Email address the email was sent from |
email_subject |
Optional |
String |
Subject of the email |
sent_time |
Optional |
Integer |
Unix timestamp of when the email was sent |
complaint_feedback_type |
Optional |
String |
Type of complaint feedback |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
"entryId": {
"toEmail": STRING (email address that email was delivered to),
"fromEmail": STRING (email address that email was sent from),
"emailSubject": STRING (email subject),
"emailSources": STRING (comma separated list of where this email address can be found in customers),
"customers": STRING (comma separated list of where this email address can be found across customers),
"complaintFeedbackType": STRING (What type of complaint this is),
"complaintSubType": STRING (Sub Type of complaint),
"userAgent": STRING (User Agent),
"sentTime": STRING (unix timestamp of when the email was sent),
Get Suppressed Emails
Returns a list of suppressed emails
Request Method | Endpoint |
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Details |
id | Optional | Integer | id of the suppressed email |
Optional |
String |
Email address on the suppression list | |
suppression_reason |
Optional |
String |
Reason for being on the suppression list |
date_added |
Optional |
Integer |
Unix timestamp of when the email was added to the suppression list |
Example Request:
-u <API_KEY>: \
Response Fields:
"entryId": {
"email": STRING (email address of the suppressed email),
"suppressionReason": STRING (Reason email address is undeliverable),
"emailSources": STRING (comma separated list of where this email address can be found in customers),
"customers": STRING (comma separated list of where this email address can be found across customers),
"addedTime": STRING (unix timestamp of when the email was added to the list),
More Information
Resource Limits
CyberHoot does NOT limit the amount of calls you perform against your platform.
Just note that if you overwork your platform, you may experience a delay or sub-optimal experience while using the platform.
More Powerful Integration
CyberHoot does offer a number of write-able API endpoints that are not publicly documented, but are available.
Access to these calls require a meeting to discuss your needs.
Questions or Problems with the API?
Contact us at for any questions or to report any problems concerning our API.